Chronological Order - Part 2

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Jan 24 2020 17 mins   167


Part 2 – Dead On My Feet

Flip over a rock in Superstition and a story crawls out from underneath it. And Jack St. James is making it her business to uncover as many stories as she can - in the hopes one will lead to her own answers. Today - an argument, a diner, and a couple of dead bodies.

(Part 2 of 3.)

This episode stars Kira Apple as Jack, and Georie Taylor as Izzy. Featuring the voice of Kim Selinske. The short story in this episode was written by Kira Apple and Dallas Mugno. It was edited by Sarah Kolb.

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Music attribution:

The songs “Desert 3,” by Playing In Tongues, “Diner Gothic” by Blue Dot Sessions, “Unknown Lovers Blues” by Dee Yan-Key and “Ambient Blues Joe” by Lobo Loco are featured with an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license (

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