Oct 31 2024 49 mins 2
n this episode of the Supply Chain Careers Podcast, we talk with Lee Beard, a supply chain executive with extensive experience at companies such as Coca-Cola, Nordstrom, Nike and Dell. Lee knew he wanted to be an engineer because his dad was a manufacturing guy, but then made his way into logistics where he saw a future. He has achieved his career goal of leading large teams and organizations. To get there he knew he needed greater financial understanding, so he got an MS in Management with a focus on finance and operations. He offers his perspective of what it means to manage a truly global supply chain at a large scale. Lee says the diversity of talent in supply chain has changed dramatically for the better. He provides his concerns about supply chain professionals being able to see through the fog of many proposed new technologies and whether they have the ability to work and to scale. Lee provides his career development advice, particularly when you are trying to lead others. He also provides his thoughts about the value of being part of associations to learn and to build relationships. Lee closes with his thoughts about sustainability
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