Dec 20 2024 71 mins 1
00:00:00 – Surf’s Up: Season 5 Episode 26 - Last month, close to 8,000 hepatology stakeholders convened in San Diego for The Liver Meeting 2024. Hepatology Key Opinion Leader Naim Alkhouri, Novo Nordisk International Vice President for Medicines Michelle Long, and patient advocates Jeff McIntyre from the Global Liver Institute and Michael Betel from the Fatty Liver Alliance join Jörn Schattenberg and Roger Green to discuss highlights.
00:03:23 - Introduction and Groundbreaker - Highlights include recent travel, cultural events, and the Third Annual Primary Care Summit from the Fatty Liver Alliance.
00:11:35 - Describing TLM2024 - Participants shared a word or short phrase they felt best captured their feelings about TLM2024.
00:14:51 - The ESSENCE Trial - Naim starts the session by describing ESSENCE, a Phase 3 trial of semaglutide in non-cirrhotic MASH patients, which he describes as "the most exciting news of the meeting." Panelists describe the benefits of this trial from a variety of perspectives.
00.22.49 - A Challenge to Trial Recruitment? - Roger asks the group whether the presence of two approved MASH medications that do not require biopsy will make recruiting clinical trials that require them more challenging. The group doubts this will not add a significant new challenge to already-challenging trial recruitment.
00:29:22 - Other keys in drug development - Naim begins a discussion of two topics: the value of synergy between resmetirom and the GLP-1 agonist, and the importance of different genetic polymorphisms in predicting the impact of drugs on specific patients. Michelle mentions a recent paper in Nature identifying distinct clusters of patients based on how their SLDs progress over time. Roger identifies two particular challenges in this area, one posed by Lean MASH and the other specific to Hispanics in the US.
00:34:42 - FGF 21s - Jörn highlights a paper from the later breaker session on efimosfermin alfa, an FGF-21 dosed q4w. Roger and Mike comment. To Jörn, this and other studies demonstrate the place FGF-21s are likely to have in MASH therapy.
00:40:29 - FDA Corner and the Role of Surrogates - Michelle praises the FDA Corner session, particularly the agency's transparency and willingness to engage industry and academia in finding paths to move away from biopsy. She is optimistic about the scientific community coming together to address these issues. Jeff notes the pivotal role he believes patients must play in this process.
00:48:33 - Patient Insights - Mike describes a poster he presented (and was lead co-author), titled Patient Voice in MASH Initiatives: Foundational Principles for the Conduct of Patient-Centric MASH Research. He lists the groups participating in this broad effort and the foundational principles that emerged. Michelle and Jörn share their thoughts on which principles have the greatest impact on them in clinical research. Jeff praises a panel that Mike co-chaired on Lifestyle Management of MASLD and MASH. He praises the breadth and quality of speakers and topics. He also comments on the large number of providers and industry executives who attended this patient-centered session. Roger notes a similar distribution of attendees at the Health Livers, Healthy Lives session on building momentum for prevention.
00:58:36 - Wrapping Up - Roger comments on the breadth of modes of action that have produced successful Phase 2/3 trial results. He notes that we may have 4-5 different modes of action available five years from now. In the rest of the session, panelists describe what they believe will be different and exciting at TLM2025.
01:06:01 - Question of the Week
Listeners and readers, What do you consider the most essential paper or theme of TLM2024??
01:06:38 - Business Report
Changes coming in 2025 with SurfingMASH v2.0