Dec 01 2023 54 mins 6
Welcome to the Storyteller's Workshop! For day one of the Storyteller Project, Lisette Alvarez conducted a collective tarot reading to inspire a new modern folk tale. By next week, there will be a mini episode in this feed. Between now and then, however, you will get a mix of podcast episodes which include unedited workshopping, sample audio, and a trailer. That's because each day, Lisette will work for a set amount of time based on a part-time workload in their area. So this unedited episode? Didn't want to waste an hour there that could be put towards editing the final product. So you'll hear all the phone notifications, bumping of tables, ums and ahs and stutters. That's the messy work of the story sausage, my friend!
The decks used:
Liminal Spirits Oracle by Laura Tempest Zakroff
The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan (Author), John Matthews (Author), Will Worthington (Illustrator)
(Thanks again to Creative Energy in Melbourne, FL for the last-minute deck recommendations and acquisition!)
The final spread:
The nature of the main character(s): The Stag
The nature of the conflict: Fiber
The nature of the motivation: The Archer
The antagonist: Clay
The allies/skills needed: Knight of Bows/Fox
What must be sacrificed: Honeybee
The messages: Queen of Vessels + Environment
- A message from collective's shadow: The Wheel
See and share the tarot spread across our social media. Find your hearth.
Want to join this week's daily 12PM EST livestream? Connect via our Discord server.
This is an experiment paid for by the Storyteller Project Fund. We have 5 days to raise $200! We are already 26% of the way there. You can contribute now.