Nov 06 2024 60 mins 12
Leola continues to explore your burning questions from our vibrant Instagram community. From spirituality and high-vibe living to the intricacies of sacred sexuality, she unpacks it all with a modern perspective on ancient wisdom. Leola also discusses not just the theory but the real-life applications of tantra, engaging with your questions in this enlightening two-part Q&A. Don't miss out as she delves into taboo topics and connects deeper with the divine knowledge of tantra in everyday life.
Purchase Leola’s book, “Sacred Sex Ed”, & claim FREE offers!
Wanna seduce the world into a greater good? Join us in the Pleasure Priestess Initiation.
FREE offer: Sexual Shadow Work Book & Pleasure Positive Meditation
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Find and follow Leola...
IG: @talktantratome
Twitter: @talktantratome