Oct 29 2024 53 mins 1
Boston Common has the distinction of being the first Public Park in America after Puritan colonists bought the land in 1634. Though it’s beautiful today, this park has a deeply dark history. It quickly became the grounds for Puritan punishments (think: whipping posts, stocks, and executions). Grab a warm cup as we explore the lives of women who were put to death here and whether or not they still haunt the grounds today.
Tea of the Day: DM & Co. Kettle Corn Tea
Theme Music by Brad Frank
- The Freedom Trail, “Boston Common.” https://www.thefreedomtrail.org/trail-sites/boston-common#:~:text=Established%20in%201634%2C%20Boston%20Common,area%2C%20Anglican%20minister%20William%20Blackstone.
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- Seven, John, “This Wealthy Woman Was Hanged as a Witch for Speaking Her Mind.” Published: October 24, 2018, History.com, https://www.history.com/news/witch-trial-execution-anne-hibbins-boston
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- Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/64261891/ann-hibbens: accessed October 15, 2024), memorial page for Ann Moore Hibbens (1605–19 Jun 1656), Find a Grave Memorial ID 64261891, citing Granary Burying Ground, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA; Maintained by James Bianco (contributor 47745493).
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- Ghost City Tours, “The Ghosts of the Boston Common.” https://ghostcitytours.com/boston/haunted-places/boston-common/
- Belfast Entries, “The Irish Widow Hanged as a Witch in Boston.” Published by P&P, January 16th, 2024, https://www.belfastentries.com/people/ann-glover/
- Ghost and Gravestones, “Most Infamous Ghosts of Boston.” https://www.ghostsandgravestones.com/boston/most-infamous-ghosts
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