Mar 07 2022 103 mins 3
Links und Stichworte aus der Sendung:
- Scream (1996)
- Die berühmte erste Szene (YouTube)
- The babysitter and the man upstairs
- Team Schere #004 über Black Christmas
- Slasher (Genre)
- Genre Savvy (Trope)
- Halloween (1978), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) und Friday the 13th (1980)
- Filmbros
- Fuckboys
- Die Sequels: Scream 2 (1997), Scream 3 (2000), Scream 4 (2011) und Scream (2022)
- True Crime (Genre)
- Only Murders in the Building (2021)
- Faculty of Horror über Scream
- Femizid
- Incel-Kultur
- Rules of Horror (YouTube)
- Male Gaze
- Carrie (1976)
- Scary Movie (2000)
- Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
- Copycat crimes / Trittbrettfahrer
- Queering the Slasher: Scream (vide0 n4sty)
- Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film (Carol J. Clover)
- Final Girl (Trope)
- Gatekeeping
- Tomboy
- Rose McGowan alleges rape by Harvey Weinstein (The Guardian)
- Adidas Superstar
- You're Next (2011)
- Why ‘You’re Next’ is the Quintessential Horror Film for Millennials (Bloody Disgusting)