Mar 25 2024 60 mins 2
This week Rhys, Colin, and Jonathan continue the podcast's readthorugh of Begotten or Made? This time they discuss the relational and procreative good of marriage and how they relate, why IVF is Nietzschean, and what Protestants think of contraception.
00:00:00-00:09:38 - intro, recap, the unitive/relation good of marriage
00:09:47-00:18:47 relation of various goods in marriage
00:18:57-00:37:51 - why IVF is Nietzschean
00:38:00-47:00:00 - Protestants and contraception
00:47:10-end - what we're reading; spotlight; wrap up
Texts Discussed
Begotten or Made? by Oliver O'Donovan
On the Death of Christ and Other Atonement Writings by John Davenant
What We're Reading
Jonathan: The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien
Colin: Leviathan byThomas Hobbes
Rhys: Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts
Intro and Outro:
Midnight Stroll by Ghostrifter
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0
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Link Music:
New Road by Ghostrifter
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0
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