Jan 15 2025 73 mins 7
The Blissett family name.
If your name is Blissett, you’re a striker and you’re trying to make a name for yourself in football, there is no doubt conversation will quickly turn to the great Luther Blissett and that is exactly how life turned out for Nathan.
Every new club he joined, every person he met, the second question to him was always ‘are you related to Luther?’ and the answer, ‘yes.’
Nathan grew up not knowing about his uncle Luther until he saw the name on Soccer AM in the early 2000s. When Nathan then turned his attentions to football, having an icon as your uncle was no bad thing.
It wasn’t the usual story into the game for Nate, but the help uncle Luther was able to provide meant he was able to extract every ounce of his ability and have a 12-year professional career.
12 months of that was spent at Home Park where, although never holding down a first team spot, Nathan was a member of a promotion winning side and a scorer in a Devon Derby.
This is not your usual footballer’s tale; it is the story of Nathan Blissett.