If you’re new to the art of home, you may not be familiar with the 4 pillars of homemaking we’ve been exploring over the past couple of years—Identity, Values & Priorities, Rhythms & Routines, and Community.
We have done Deep Dives into the first three and this year we will dive into the final pillar, Community. In preparation for that journey, I wanted to revisit the first three pillars in several series of Monday Motivation episodes.
Today, I will be talking about Pillar #1, Identity, specifically where to look and not to look for your identity, as well as how to recognize some common thieves we may be tempted to attach our identity to and why.
Pillars of Homemaking Deep Dive Episodes
- Identity with Susan Macias
- Values & Priorities with Karen Sheppard and Joi Welch
- Rhythms & Routines with Leslie Lucadou
Job 1:21
James 1:7
Think About It Questions:
Consider losses or hardships you do or might face in your marriage, parenting, role as a homemaker, your physical home, health/wellness, ministry/volunteer work and ask yourself the following questions:
- How would you react if these were threatened? I've given you some possible scenarios.
- Note what emotions come up as you consider these hypothetical threats and losses.
- Then ask yourself, "Why? Why do I feel _______ facing this particular threat?"
- Once you have your answer, ask again, "But Why?" Keep asking "why" until you get to the heart of the matter. I guarantee you it will always come down to an identity issue. Do you believe God is who He says He is and that you are who He says you are?
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