Nov 05 2024 35 mins 2
ALB 6. October 31, 202
Show notes (recorded the Thursday before Election Day):
Lloyd, “There’s censoring the crap out of me on social media! It’s amazing. It’s creepy.” See what’s happening at
Lloyd started getting censored about 35 years ago when he won his first big case against the federal government in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. It forced the Pentagon to release documents that showed they had been lying to Congress about the volume of contracts going to small businesses.
Lloyd has won 110 lawsuits against the federal government on behalf of small businesses. Learn about his amazing advocacy at the American Small Business League (
99.9% of American businesses are small business. They’re supposed to get 23% of federal contracts. Instead, they get only 3%. Which means that 97% of contracts go to one-tenth of one percent, the biggest firms, Fortune 500 companies, which are the only firms talked about on the news, etc. Nobody talks about America’s small businesses. No president enforces the law, the 1953 Small Business Act, which mandates that 23% of federal contracts are supposed to go to America’s small businesses.
Lloyd is pro-Trump because he’s pro-Kennedy. He’s pro-the team of great people promoting Trump: Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, etc. Bruce also hopes Kennedy is allowed to do great things in a Trump Administration.
Elon Musk loudly defends free speech. Yet people are censored on X. Why? Is it because Musk laid off three thousand people who were censoring people on the site, and some of those bad actors still access the site and censor people?
Lloyd thinks Trump’s going to win and that there might be a civil war if Harris is said to be the winner because she got the lowest approval rating for a vice president just a few months ago. Meaning, her victory would be a fraud and there could be an awful backlash.
“The people who back Harris are incredibly powerful and,” Lloyd thinks, “they’re prepared to do anything to keep Trump from being elected president.”
People should check out, Lloyd’s latest project to help women have a bigger voice in government. Women are half the population. They own 42% of small businesses. But every year men-owned businesses get 95% of all federal contracts.
Lloyd Chapman is Founder and President of the American Small Business League (, working to protect the interests of our nation's 33 million small businesses. His goal is to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations. See the special project at Follow Lloyd at
Bruce de Torres is author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free (read the amazing reviews at, marketing director at ("Books that challenge official history...because it matters”), and host of REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRES.