Oct 31 2023 28 mins 8
We recall breakfasts of the past on this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site. Breakfast time when we were kids ranged from simple cold cereal with milk we had while getting ready for school, to waffles, pancakes, bacon, and maybe an egg or two on the weekends. Not like today where the morning meal is prepared in the toaster or microwave oven, mid-century breakfasts were prepared from scratch, or frozen items that were limited back then. Other breakfasts from mom or dad, or maybe grandparents were prepared for us as our mouths watered with anticipation. Also were quick or instant breakfast foods such as drinks and wrapped bars that promised the energy equivalent of a full breakfast but usually fell short of a cooked breakfast we might have preferred. Yummy memories of the past as we began our day as kids. Grab a bowl of oatmeal or a plate of scrambled eggs and buttered (not margarine) toast and join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network! https://bit.ly/BabyBoomerBreakfast