Oct 24 2018 52 mins 2
Luke and the Panel (Alex Huntley, Alice Moran, Diana McCallum) talk elections! The Canadian municipal elections went mostly as expected with Tory being re-elected (1:30), but also contained some highs: goodbye Mammoliti and @norm and some lows: Patrick Brown is mayor of Brampton, a Nazi finished third in Toronto?! (6:00). Meanwhile at Queen's Park Doug Ford is freezing the minimum wage For The People (15:00) and in Ottawa Justin Trudeau has come up with a great plan to sell Canadians on a carbon tax: giving them free money (20:00). Down south the US Midterms are heating up and Luke is going insane trying to analyze the early voting numbers (30:00). Then the Approximately Ten Minute Long Quiz finds the worst Legal Weed take imaginable.