Jan 31 2024 67 mins 2
I'm delighted to share with you that The Becoming Podcast is back for its 6th season (wow!) and that I've got a full and rich lineup of guests to share with you this year!
The first is my dear friend Annie Bray.
There were a lot of different titles I could have given this podcast and "Deep Conversation Between Two Brilliant Midlife Friends About The Complexity of Life" was right up there.
After we finished this interview, Annie and I chuckled that listening in would be a lot like being welcomed as an eavesdropper in the kind of conversation we might be having anyway, over a cup of tea by a roaring fire, if only we lived in the same city.
Our conversation – and our whole friendship – just feels so human. And so if that sounds like a dose of good medicine for you, I invite you to tune in.
Here's some of what Annie and I talk about in this episode:
> The paradox that traversing times of radical transformation in your life is deeply dysregulating, but that being able to regulate your nervous system is necessary to navigating these times with more ease.
> How having a "regulated" nervous system has also been weaponized – particularly against women – and can be conflated with being well behaved or put together.
> How our modern perspective of the nervous system is reflective of our culture's individualism, and how we've forgotten the importance of co-regulation with other humans, the more-than-human and the numinous.
> How to show up anyway even when you aren't "regulated" or don't have capacity. Annie and I share a tender moment about how I recently asked for her support, and what it means to hold each other through impossible times that, in the world we're living in, don't look to be getting any easier.