May 31 2022 31 mins 7
In this episode Andrea and Annabelle investigate modern love with psychologist, relationship expert, and author, Ty Tashiro.
As always, there are two fantastic novels to consider when you explore the evolution of love and relationships.
Books and authors mentioned:
Love Marriage, by Monica Ali
Two families come together and unravel ahead of their children's wedding. Characters with depth deal with their secrets and traumas in this beautiful novel.
Exciting Times, by Naoise Dolan
A more modern relationship story would be heard to find, from the poster child of the millennial novel.
Dr Ty Tashiro is an author, social scientist, and relationship expert with a Ph.D in Psychology. His first book, The Science of Happily Ever After, shows how our decision-making abilities falter when it comes to choosing mates and how insights from social science can help us make smarter decisions.
In Awkward: The Science of Why We’re Socially Awkward and Why That’s Awesome, he explains why some of the same characteristics that make people feel socially awkward can be the same traits that propel them toward extraordinary achievements.
About us:
Andrea Gissdal is the Ex Head of Communications and Marketing for the Emirates Literature Foundation, and current resident podcaster. A book pusher and compulsive book clubber, she is a literary omnivore with a preference for fiction. Andrea also dabbles in creative writing, and once scored 82 points in one move in Scrabble. Best day ever.
Annabelle Corton is the English Programme Manager at the Emirates Literature Foundation. She runs the Festival Book Club and has a background in guesting and presenting on talk radio shows about various literary topics. She likes words like ‘equinox’ and ‘vespa’, and loves a good pun. She’ll read anything in reach, but has a fondness for witty tussles of good vs. evil on page and screen, especially vampire fiction where a great deal is at stake. Get it? Stake? ….She’s not sorry.