Chella Ward: our new Expert in Residence

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Jul 16 2024 41 mins   1

Content Warning: some listeners may find some parts of this episode upsetting.

In this episode we get to know Dr Marchella (Chella) Ward, a lecturer in Classical Studies at the Open University, who is also a podcaster, researcher, children's author, and the recent winner of the Working Classicist of the Year Award.

Chella takes us from a night market in Singapore to Oxford University's Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama as we explore the multifaceted nature of classical reception and we delve into her experiences learning languages from across the world. To ask Chella a question for us to discuss in the Q&A episode, do so here.

Please note: the views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker, and do not necessarily reflect those of the CA.

Show Notes

OU Open Access Courses

Classics Summer Schools

Expert in Residence Scheme