Oct 08 2024 53 mins 30
Hi all! The Clockwork Game Design Podcast has re-taken-over its own podcast space from the Bannet Bulletin for a week, to share with you this exciting conversation I just had with my old pal Ryan Rigney. His first published game, Fast Fast Laser Laser, is actually a game that I did all of the artwork for, which was actually really fun. But these days he’s known for his comms and marketing work, heading up these departments for huge games like League of Legends, Apex Legend, PUBG, and Omega Strikers. His current company, Odyssey Interactive, is now in the process of deciding if they want to make Byte Breakers or not!
All game devs need to check out his blog over at pushtotalk.gg.
Thanks for listening. Up next: more Bannet Bulletins, and at least one more cool interview that’s already lined up.