This episode of The Contracting Experience focuses on artificial Intelligence with guest Lt. Col. Dan Finkenstadt, an officer in the Air Force Contracting Force Development division. Finkenstadt holds a PhD from UNC Chapel Hill and served as a professor at the Naval Post Graduate School for the three years. In this episode, Finkenstadt describes the relationships between Artificial Intelligence, Bots, Machine Learning and Large Language Models while offering use cases, benefits, and risks for Air Force contracting. He also speaks about his role in the DAF Contracting Flight Plan where he is leading a team to foster AI education and training across the contracting workforce
AI – Artificial Intelligence
ML – Machine Learning
LLM – Large Language Model
DAF – Department of the Air Force
CDAO – Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office
SAF/AQCX – Air Force Contracting Force Development
SAF/CN – Air Force Chief Information Officer
If you would like to share feedback on the podcast, please submit via [email protected].
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AI – Artificial Intelligence
ML – Machine Learning
LLM – Large Language Model
DAF – Department of the Air Force
CDAO – Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office
SAF/AQCX – Air Force Contracting Force Development
SAF/CN – Air Force Chief Information Officer
If you would like to share feedback on the podcast, please submit via [email protected].
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