Jan 01 2025 38 mins 11
Howdy, y’all, and welcome to The Cyber Ranch Podcast. Today we tackle WHY?
Why do we have this show? Why do we ask the questions we ask and host the guests we host? Why does any of this matter?
More importantly, WHY do we all keep doing the same things over and over, saying the same things over and over, and expecting better results?
WHAT can we change?
Join Allan Alford, many times CISO, and cybersecurity podcaster of many years now. Joining Allan is Drew Simonis, who has been co-hosting the show now for 21 episodes, and a guest a few times before that.
This show is a chance to understand the premise of the show better, to understand Drew better, and to find out why we're all here. Drew's bonafides:
- CISO @ Juniper Networks
- Former CISO and Deputy CISO @ HPE
- CISO @ Willis
- And various other roles including an industry role at Symantec
Drew joined as co-host because he’s a deep thinker, and because he applies that deep thinking to challenging the status quo.
Allan's WHY? Is very simple. We’ve not grown or progressed as an industry in years now. Which means we are clearly doing something wrong. Mostly, IMHO, resting on our laurels, making the same assumptions, trying the same techniques, and not questioning any of it.
Drew offers a more nuanced take on the idea of "speaking the language of the business". It's a great show. Y'all be good now!