Feb 07 2025 70 mins 2
This episode is about thinking differently around climate change, and it will help you think about this topic much more expansively. My guest is John Morrison, who is the CEO of the Institute for Human Rights and Business, which is a global “think and do tank” with consultative status at the United Nations. John serves on a number of boards and advisory councils, and he is the author of a new book called The Just Transition - A Systems Thinking Approach to Climate Action.
And John posits that if we try to solve the climate crisis in isolation from tackling other challenges, particularly social challenges around how local communities and workers feel about a transition to a net zero world, we won't solve the climate crisis. Things are interconnected and we need to recognise that. So, we get into that. We talk about systems thinking, navigating the complexity of these topics, trade-offs, technology, accountability, and of course, decision-making.
According to John, we need to move beyond narrow, linear and box-ticking type of approaches to these challenges. Otherwise, we are doing ourselves and the planet a huge disservice.
Show notes:
John Morrison
The Just Transition - A Systems Thinking Approach to Climate Action
The Institute for Human Rights and Business
Herbert Simon
Donella Meadows
Free, prior and informed consent
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The EU Corporate Responsibility Reporting Directive
Transition minerals
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