CDM Regulations 2015, Building Safety Bill and the Blockchain Revolution with Imanuel Steele CEO of PRIN-D Technoolgy

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Jan 09 2022 59 mins   2

In our latest Digital Construction Skills podcast, we speak with a true pioneer in the industry, CDM compliance advocate (and all-around good guy!), Imanuel Steele CEO and Co-founder of PRIN- D Technology.   

PRIN- D is a platform that allows Clients and Duty Holders to manage their CDM and legal obligations under the new and emerging Building Safety Bill regulations capturing what Dame Judith Hackitt describes in her post-Grenfell Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety as the "Golden Thread of Information".  

  • Hear how this digital information stored on the Blockchain (or to give its proper name- Distributed Ledger Technology) gives what Imanuel describes as an "immutable" digital record and why it is a transparent, safe, structured, and secure system that will give Clients the tools and assurance they need to ensure that Health and Safety can be much more effectively managed through the whole lifecycle of a project.  

  • How the emergence of the Draft Building Safety Bill Legislation currently passing through the UK Parliament, means the need to ensure the health and safety competence of construction professionals has never been greater and why now is time for the industry to seize the opportunity that technologies such as distributed ledger technology can provide to begin to rebuild the trust and credibility of the construction industry in parts where it is so desperately needed.  

  • The interview is about 1 hour long but you can just scroll or click on the timestamps below if you are short on time.  

00:00 CDM, the "Golden Thread" and distributed ledger technology- Imanuel Steele

 00:50 Imanuel brief bio. How PRIN-D came about. CDM regulations and Principal Designer. 

04:45 Brief overview of UK CDM regulations what they do and why they are important. 

06:35 Building Safety Bill, CDM regs and the influence of the Hackitt Report on shaping the platform. 

10:11 New UK Building Safety Bill and duty holders under CDM regulations 

12:00 Extended client responsibilities under new laws.The need to demonstrate client competence. 

13:30 Distributed Ledger Technology in simple terms and why it's a great leap forward. 

17:35 The "Golden Thread" and what it means in the context of the PRIN D platform. 19:15 Real-time digital info accessibility- the keyholders. Possible tool for HSE inspectors. 

21:20 PRIN- D solution. The key problems it solves.

23:00 How PRIN-D works- key features and who it is aimed at. 

25:45 PRIN-D interoperability with CDE platforms such as MS SharePoint and Procore. 

28:40 Eliminating risk of inaccessible emails and large file attachments using the platform. 

31:40 Trends, data, and analytics- why simplicity is key and the opportunity to link supply chain. 

36:38 Key benefits for adopters of solution. Immutable digital records and handover information. 

40:10 Interoperability and parallels with BIM and CDM regs. The platform's ISO19650 template. 

46:30 Onboarding, setting up, operating the platform. The opportunities for further collaboration. 

49:00 Advice for others looking to adopt digital tools and/or emerging technologies. 

54:00 Imanuel- his wider conversations ongoing to transform industry and his future aspirations. 

 You can follow Imanuel or get in touch directly with Imanuel via LinkedIn at this link

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