Feb 17 2025 34 mins 6
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Today’s episode will help us understand what true discipleship looks like by embracing solitude with God, investing deeply in a few, and being ready to make significant sacrifices, just as Jesus did.
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Following Jesus' Footsteps: Intentional Discipleship and Deep Sacrifice | Disciple Makers Podcast Part 2
In this episode of the Disciple Makers Podcast, we dive deeper into understanding where Jesus' feet went, and what it means to truly follow Him. Building on the previous discussion, this part focuses on Jesus' practice of investing deeply into a few, the high cost of discipleship, and the ultimate sacrifice of the cross. Join us as we explore intentional relationships, the significance of proximity, and the profound accountability that comes with being a disciple-maker. Tune in to be challenged and inspired to follow Jesus with your whole heart, mind, and soul.
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Key Takeaways
00:00 Welcome Back to Disciple Makers Podcast!
00:32 Recap of Part One: Following Jesus' Footsteps
01:32 The Importance of Pouring into a Few
05:00 Practical Steps for Intentional Discipleship
05:58 The Value of Proximity in Discipleship
19:47 The Ultimate Sacrifice: Following Jesus to the Cross
21:37 The Cost of Discipleship
29:29 Conclusion: Are You Ready to Follow Jesus?
31:38 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
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In this episode of the Disciple Makers Podcast, Josh Howard and Jason Ishmael dive into what it really means to follow Jesus and make disciples. Their conversation is energetic, deeply rooted in scripture, and sprinkled with personal stories to bring their points to life.
They kick things off with some lighthearted banter before diving into a deeper discussion about Jesus' pattern for disciple-making. Reflecting on a previous episode, Josh and Jason talk about how Jesus balanced solitude with the Father, reached out to the lost, and deeply invested in a few key followers.
Josh emphasizes how Jesus often stepped away from the crowds to focus on His disciples, illustrating the power of investing deeply in a few rather than spreading oneself too thin. Jason highlights how meaningful impact comes from this relational approach to disciple-making, which Jesus demonstrated by pouring into a select few instead of trying to reach everyone.
The conversation then turns to the practical side of disciple-making. Josh shares how everyday activities, like driving alone, could be opportunities to invest in others. He challenges listeners to live a lifestyle where discipleship happens naturally, just as Jesus made time for His disciples wherever He went.
Next, they discuss the cross—where Jesus' footsteps ultimately lead. Josh talks about the deep sacrifice and surrender discipleship requires, including being willing to give everything, even one's life, for the mission. Jason brings in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's concept of "costly grace," critiquing the watered-down gospel often preached today that skips over the true cost of following Jesus.
Josh and Jason stress that real discipleship involves surrendering to Jesus as Lord and not just seeking forgiveness. Josh shares a powerful illustration from Francis Chan, explaining that true discipleship means giving Jesus full control of your life, not just being along for the ride.
They wrap up by encouraging listeners to reflect on their own lives and whether their actions align with Jesus' example. They challenge their audience to make intentional, meaningful discipleship a priority and to be ready for the sacrifices it requires.
This episode is a powerful reminder that true discipleship means solitude with God, reaching out to the broken, investing in a few key relationships, and being willing to make big sacrifices. Josh and Jason urge listeners to commit to authentic discipleship, following Jesus’ footsteps and reaching out to Discipleship.org for support and resources along the way.