Oct 21 2023 50 mins 4
Carl Olson joins Don to discuss the similarities between Andy Stanley's recent Unconditional conference and the ongoing Catholic Synod on Synodality. In both instances leaders claim to want to "journey together with people," especially those with same sex attraction, without bringing theology or doctrine into the conversation. It is a fool's errand.
Links to go with the show:
Synodality, Soteriology, and “Sharing the journey”
Welcome to the Church of Perpetual Change and Confusion
Can Ministry be Unhinged from Theology?
When Being Affirming Isn't Loving
Links to go with the show:
Synodality, Soteriology, and “Sharing the journey”
Welcome to the Church of Perpetual Change and Confusion
Can Ministry be Unhinged from Theology?
When Being Affirming Isn't Loving