Apr 21 2023 7 mins 2
On my road to recovery, I sometimes didn’t binge for weeks or months. And sometimes all it took to slide back into bingeing was a holiday meal—a slide that could glide on for even more weeks or months. As it turned out, I’d rock like this . . . forward, backward, forward, backward . . . for decades.
This episode is about how sometimes our bingeing can worsen or come back during the holidays, even when we’re celebrating with those we love. If there’s lingering guilt or shame about this, we can feel isolated and reluctant to reach out for help.
Listen in as I talk about how to ease shame and blame about binge eating. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.holdingthespace.co/73.
If you’re ready to invest in one-on-one support to help heal binge eating, go to https://holdingthespace.as.me/free30 and get on my calendar for a complementary consult today.