Aug 21 2024 27 mins 1
Your dream questions... answered.
It's the end of Series 4, and before we take a little break, we take the opportunity to answer more of the questions sent in. Questions like:
- What does it mean when I hear music in a dream?
And (the classic):
- Why do I keep dreaming about my ex?
As ever, the answers lead us down some suprising, interesting, and sometimes amusing paths.
Sound bites:
"Music is a way of relating to those subtle aspects of ourselves that don't have to go through the cognitive filter."
"Dreaming about an ex may indicate unfinished business, projection of certain qualities onto the ex, or a need to revisit and resolve emotions associated with the past relationship."
Your dreams are worth inquiring about too! Share a dream or a question via our website or the social links below!
Let us know what you think, and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast!
Instagram @thedreamboatpodcast
FaceBook @dreamboatpodcast
Twitter @dreamboatpod
DRI website:
This podcast is a project of the DRI, the centre for dream studies at CCPE, the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice.
Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to to join!
Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams!
Recorded on by Dave and Laura
Edited by James Ede at Be Heard
Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design
Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music released by Argofox
Music promoted by Audio Library
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Insta: @onefulness @dreamresearchinstitute @iasddream
FB: @associationforstudyofdreams @laura.payne.33 @dreamresearchinstitute