Episode 92 sam's BTS camera, war on the internet, AI, and truth in crypto

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Mar 11 2022 56 mins   7
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show notes:
0:00 intro
1:30 aftershoot and AI
3:00 new BTS footage camera
6:05 sling bags are the best bags
10:50 the absurdity of tech names
12:40 too many once in a lifetime events in our lifetime
14:12 Nathan almost kills a truck driver
18:00 war and nuclear power plants
21:50 they just keep throwing people at the problem
24:52 everyone is an expert both everything
26:50 deepfakes in war
28:30 media and propaganda
31:10 regulating and banning platforms that can’t accurately verify a user’s age
36:00 crypto and the truth
37:50 NFTs are nothing new
40:00 sam’s crypto currency
43:05 the return of Facebook pages
46:00 what’s the next thing?
47:45 the new batman
49:48 Nathan rants
55:01 breaking news