Feb 02 2025 58 mins 5
The posse meet one of the kidnappers who mistakes them for cops and bushes, Frosty's car fantasies are forever ruined, and Lori sees Aurora Australis, at this time of year, in this part of the country, located entirely within this forest.
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"Amidst the Ancient Trees" is a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition scenario written by Matthew Sanderson, and is available with the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Keeper Rulebook. Link here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/150997/call-of-cthulhu-7th-edition-keeper-s-rulebook
New episodes released every Sunday!
Kelly Ann as Josephine Woodley
Liam Braid as Darren Frost
Danica Nowakowski as Lori Smith
Jaln Rodger as Bernard Clive
Alex Green as The Keeper
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
The Miner - Both Are Infinite
Under a Scorching Sun - Pearce Roswell
Honest Intentions - Johan Glossner
Dark Delusion - Mike Franklyn
Talking Drums - Ethan Sloan
Dew - Da Sein
Cold Eyes - Elliot Holmes
Rock Is Back - Got Happy
In the Mystery - Marten Moses
Devil's Canyon - Walt Adams
Misty Land - Headlund
Silence Is the Key - Isobelle Walton
SFX and soundscapes courtesy of Epidemic Sound