Ep 135 - Alex Heiden - The 21 Year Old CEO

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Jul 18 2022 61 mins   4

Alex Heiden is the founder and CEO of Closify His track record at such a young age only points to the fact that taking risks (calculated ones) is a worthwhile endeavor as the upside x the downsides. Alex's story should be an inspiration to any young person out there considering dabbling in entrepreneurship. Alex recently launched Trackify (a new endeavor), and in the future, he plans to launch more sister companies that will all complement and work in unison under the Closify eco-system/umbrella.

Alex and I discussed:

  • Being a very young CEO & Founder
  • The importance of good mentors
  • Being a student-athlete
  • The trajectory that led to him starting Closify and what the company does
  • Why founders/CEOs should focus more on creating an online brand via social media
  • Alex explains what dropshipping is
  • Starting multiple companies
  • Why they’ve been bootstrapping the business
  • Why colleges in their current format will become obsolete
  • How to grow on Twitter

And much more...

Alex Heiden

My Take: Take risks, especially when you are young - it's the best time. Before the marriage, the kids, the mortgage. Use that cloak of invisibility that covers you when you are in your 20s. Use it to take risks and chase dreams - build and fail, or succeed. At least you dared to do it, a luxury you might not have later on in life. So ya, take risks - dare to be great!

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