Happy Solstice & God Jul to all our listeners! Here's a winter solstice poem written by our founder Björn Ekdahl. The Hamingja Foundation works hard to make sure that people who want to practice Indo-European spirituality won't lack words.
In the heart of winter's chill, When shadows cloak the land so still, Amidst the longest, darkest night, We seek the glow of inner light. Oh, radiant sun, your golden rays, Chase away the night's hidden maze. Illuminate our hearts, shine ever bright, Banish darkness with your warming light. In the quiet of the longest night, Where shadows stretch and dim the light, We yearn for dawn to break the hold, On this hushed eve, so dark and cold. Oh, radiant sun, your golden rays, Chase away the night's hidden maze. Illuminate our hearts, shine ever bright, Banish darkness with your warming light. So let us welcome the growing light, With open hearts, dispelling night. In the solstice's glow, our spirits soar, Embracing the light forevermore.