Bonnie Parker - Clyde Barrow

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Jan 11 2020 73 mins   1

Welcome back to The Haunted Demon in today's episode we Cover the infamous duo that is Bonnie & Clyde.

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in 1910 in Rowena, Texas,  the second of three children. Her father Charles Robert Parker  (1884–1914) was a bricklayer who died when Bonnie was four years old Her widowed mother Emma (Krause) Parker (1885–1944) moved her family  back to her parents' home in Cement City, an industrial suburb in West Dallas where she worked as a seamstress. As an adult, Bonnie wrote poems such as "The Story of Suicide Sal  and "The Trail's End", the latter more commonly known as "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde".

In her second year in high school, Parker met Roy Thornton. The  couple dropped out of school and were married on September 25, 1926, six  days before her 16th birthday.Their marriage was marred by his frequent absences and brushes with the  law, and it proved to be short-lived. They never divorced, but their  paths never crossed again after January 1929. She was still wearing his  wedding ring when she died. Thornton was in prison when he heard of her death. He commented, "I'm  glad they went out like they did. It's much better than being caught."

Clyde Champion Barrow  was born in 1909 into a poor farming family in Ellis County, Texas, southeast of Dallas. He was the fifth of seven children of Henry Basil Barrow (1874–1957)  and Cumie Talitha Walker (1874–1942). The family moved to Dallas in the  early 1920s, part of a migration pattern from rural areas to the city  where many settled in the urban slum of West Dallas. The Barrows spent their first months in West Dallas  living under their wagon until they got enough money to buy a tent.

Barrow was first arrested in late 1926, at age 17, after running  when police confronted him over a rental car that he had failed to  return on time. His second arrest was with brother Buck soon after for possession of stolen turkeys. Barrow had some legitimate jobs during 1927 through 1929, but he also cracked safes, robbed stores, and stole cars.  He met 19 year-old Parker through a mutual friend in January 1930, and  they spent much time together during the following weeks. Their romance  was interrupted when Barrow was arrested and convicted of auto theft.
