Ep. 56: Back Home (七月返歸) w/ Director Nate Ki [Cantonese]

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Mar 21 2024 20 mins   2

《銀幕·香港》很開心得到美國發行的邀請,跟導演謝家祺做一個簡而精的訪問,訪問中除了談到電影創作的源起,還談了Mirror 文化,導演大贊AK (江𤒹生)粉絲,讓他們劇組非常感動。想聽更多,記得馬上收聽啦!

The North American premiere of "BACK HOME" has finally arrived, and Hong Kong's film enthusiasts should mark March 29th on their calendars and purchase their tickets promptly. 

"Hong Kong On Screen" was delighted to have been invited by the US distributor to conduct a brief yet insightful interview with the film's director, Nate Ki. The discussion covered the film's genesis and delved into the concept of Mirror (A Hong Kong Cantopop Boy group) culture. The director expressed admiration for AK (Anson Kong) fans, which deeply moved the film's crew. If you're interested in hearing more, the interview can be listened to now.


The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast is a podcast about Hong Kong Cinema. The HKOS Podcast is hosted by Hong Kongers. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also email us at [email protected].

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