Oct 10 2024 64 mins 1
- CWISA Guide Giveaway details
- There are two copies of the Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA) study/reference guides
- Winners have been drawn at random
- The winner from IT is: Hiten Thakkar from Santa Cruz, CA
- The winner from OT is: Jace Allen from Kaysville, UT
- (WEST Coast BIAS!!!)
- Congratulations!! I have your email addresses and will be reaching out for shipping information!
- Let’s dive into the environment first
- Outside of the office spaces, what’s it like down in the dark and dirty spaces?
- Heat?
- Humidity?
- Dust, dirt and grime.
- To that end, is the dust more metallic and if so does that cause you problems?
- Tools of the trade
- What is your use of wireless technologies primarily for?
- Standard Wi-Fi for user client connections?
- Mobility deployments?
- Machine to Machine communication?
- Specific industrial wireless protocols?
- Any special tools for remote support?
- What wireless systems are deployed on site?
- Example – Cisco or Aruba
- Any specialty systems for sensors like LoRaWAN?
- Wireless I/O?
- Any special tools you use to help solve issues?
- Spectrum analysis
- Wi-Fi scanners
- Etc.
- What do you use for planning?
- What is your use of wireless technologies primarily for?
- Now for the fun stuff
- What are the main issues you have to deal with on siteWhat is the most challenging area at your site?Did you really have an antenna (maybe an AP) or two melt?
- If so, story time, we want to know!
- What are the main issues you have to deal with on siteWhat is the most challenging area at your site?Did you really have an antenna (maybe an AP) or two melt?

- What kinds of RFI/EMI do you run into?
- Is an arc furnace in use?
- What are some interesting technologies you have been looking into?
- Scott got R3 test units, and we are going to look into their capabilities.
- Interesting that they integrate well with Rockwell
- Would like to get more familiar with EchoRing protocol
- Where do they fit in with low bandwidth capabilities?
- HaLow as backhaul
- Scott got R3 test units, and we are going to look into their capabilities.
- Jeremy submitted a talk for WLPC Phoenix!
- IPCAM Power, Moxa POE Splitters
- IPCAM is pretty beefy
- Resolves issue we saw with Siemens D-Coded pinout not pulling power from Acceltex POE battery
- IPCAM Power, Moxa POE Splitters
- Jeremy is planning an informal documentation round table!
- NDA Friendly, please don’t get yourself in trouble even though we really want to know about the secret cool stuff.
- Scott, what are you working on?
- Started developing a 2 day, hands on industrial wireless class
- Heath, what are you working on?
- Migration to Juniper/Mist
If you would like to know more about our guests, check them out on LinkedIn:
Heath Weeks – https://www.linkedin.com/in/heath-weeks-3346a81a/
Gerdau Special Steel – https://gsn.gerdau.com/
If you would like to connect with me or learn more about my employer, Global Process Automation (GPA), then check the following:
Scott McNeil – https://www.linkedin.com/in/americanmcneil/
GPA – https://www.global-business.net/
If you would like to connect with Jeremy or learn more about his employer, Prism Systems Inc, then check the following:
Jeremy Baker – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyabaker/
Prism Systems Inc – https://www.prismsystems.com/