Dec 16 2024 32 mins 5
In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, we dive into the book of Ezekiel to explore a recurring and profound theme: God's desire to be known.
From the judgment and restoration of Israel to the millennial kingdom, the presence and glory of God are woven throughout Ezekiel’s prophecies.
We unpack how God’s glory, which once departed from the temple, will one day return in fullness, fulfilling His promises to Israel and the nations.
As the world celebrates the birth of Jesus, this episode offers a timely reflection on God's sovereignty, His promise of restoration, and the hope of His glorious return.
Key Takeaways:
- God's Desire to Be Known: Ezekiel emphasizes God's longing for His people, Israel, and the nations to know Him, with the phrase "then they will know that I am the Lord" appearing 77 times between chapters 5 and 39.
- The Glory of God Departs and Returns: Ezekiel recounts the gradual departure of God's glory from the temple, a result of Israel's sin, but also prophesies its ultimate return during the millennial kingdom.
- The Presence of God in Jesus: The incarnation marks the return of God’s glory in human form - God taking on flesh to dwell among us.
- Millennial Temple and Kingdom: Ezekiel’s vision of the millennial temple highlights a new era where God's presence will dwell in a transformed Jerusalem, fulfilling His promises to Israel and the nations.
- A God Who Wants to Be Known: From the Exodus to the incarnation, God's actions reveal His deep desire for humanity to recognize Him and live in His presence.
Chapter Markers:
0:00 – Introduction: Exploring God’s presence in Ezekiel.
2:15 – The phrase "then they will know that I am the Lord" and its significance.
10:32 – God's glory departs from the temple in Ezekiel’s vision.
16:45 – The incarnation: The glory of God returns in Jesus.
23:10 – Ezekiel’s vision of the millennial temple and the return of God’s glory.
30:20 – Reflections on God's presence during the Christmas and Hanukkah season.
35:00 – Final thoughts: Worshiping a God who desires to be known.
As we celebrate this season, take a moment to reflect on God’s presence in your life. Dive into Ezekiel chapters 40-48 and consider His promises of restoration and glory. Don’t let the busyness of the holidays distract you - pause and recognize the God who longs to be known. Share this episode with someone who needs encouragement, and let’s continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Shalom!