How can Journaling help you deal with any issues you may have with your own Mental Health, Stress or Anxiety.
Three BIG Questions that we cover today.
- How can Journaling help my mental health?
- How can Journaling help me relieve stressful situations?
- How can Journaling help me cope with my anxiety?
ON this episode I have over-simplified the answers, but that’s because it’s episode 2 and I didn’t want to get too deep straight away. We will come back to these topics later in the series, but for now, I hope today’s show has given you a better idea of what writing about your thoughts and feelings can really do for you. It really can help you cope with your mental health issues, stress and any anxiety that you may be experiencing currently.
If you’ve been inspired to start writing in a Journal because of today’s episode, I’d love to hear from you. You can email me on [email protected] or message me via any of our social media (Twitter or X, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn).
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