Feb 17 2025 64 mins 3
It’s Monday in America, time for The World’s Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor, and Tiffany come together to try and make sense of the news of the week. Gibbering idiots keep getting jobs, the Gulf of Dipshit, JFK rolls over and over, NASA excludes women, Nazi flags in Utah Schools, an important challenge, and Musk Twitters the Federal Government.
#678 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and AMAZON too!

Gabbard confirmed as US intel chief https://tinyurl.com/29tlduuo
Media outlets cave to threats https://tinyurl.com/2dlsqyu5
White House defends blocking AP https://tinyurl.com/28qkubja
‘The Courts Should Take A Step Back’ https://tinyurl.com/25ab6ggs
Kennedy Center Board Members and Chairman https://tinyurl.com/27pnfk5t
Trump Admits to Never Seeing a Show https://tinyurl.com/2a4a2jql
NASA to Purge All Mentions of Women https://tinyurl.com/27v4vppy
“Excluding Indians” https://tinyurl.com/24sq5syx
He Doesn’t See JD Vance As His Successor https://tinyurl.com/26mnc2vs
Nazi and Confederate flags to be shown in schools https://tinyurl.com/2a9fkkku
Republican Introduces Bill To Rename Greenland https://tinyurl.com/29j78bx6
‘Amazing’ Growth Amid Trump Attacks https://tinyurl.com/28f4hog8
McBride Drops Brutal Trump Assessment https://tinyurl.com/26asadxp
Red State Senator Has Concerns https://tinyurl.com/2xunqa9q
Drop Corruption Charges Against Mayor Eric Adams https://tinyurl.com/29msv52r
So Long, Penny? https://tinyurl.com/272w7uom
What Are the Enhanced Games? https://tinyurl.com/2ba5jhr3
US government struggles to rehire https://tinyurl.com/2b3uf6rw