"God, why have I been single for SO long?" Often, we get impatient with the process. We long for and sometimes grieve the white pickett fence, dream home, and raising our children in a two-parent household living happily ever after. Momma in the midst of your singleness season, we want to encourage you that your relationship status is not a curse. Jennifer Maggio, Founder of TLSM, has a heart to share how to find joy right where you are in this podcast, "Why Have I Been a Single Mom So Long".
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At the Life of a Single Mom, our mission is to improve the lives of single moms by providing support groups and education in 3 core areas: parenting, finance, and health and wellness. Join us as we ensure that no single mom walks alone.
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All Rights Reserved. The Life of a Single Mom. We do not intend to give formal medical advice on this program. While every effort is made to thoroughly vet all guests on our show, please be advised that an invitation does not constitute full agreement on every subject matter, we recognize future content on websites, social media, and otherwise is beyond our control.