Feb 28 2025 48 mins 6
Put your thinking caps on, ladies! It’s time for another round of Rachel’s Trivia Challenge!
This time, Rachel’s spotlighting "Great Moments in the History of Lutherans in America.” Beginning with the age of exploration and going through the Colonial Era up to the formation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in 1847, she's quizzing Erin and Sarah on some of the lesser-known and more unexpected chapters in American Lutheran history.
Which explorer brought a Lutheran chaplain along on his quest to discover the Northwest Passage? Which American colony was actually founded by Lutherans? Did Lutherans fight more notably as Patriots or Tories in the Revolutionary War? What is a “Prussian Union,” anyway? And can either Sarah or Rachel say “Die Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Synode von Missouri, Ohio und andern Staaten” without tripping over their own tongues?
Resources referenced in this episode include:
- Jens Munk: An expedition ahead of its time | Canadian Geographic
- Early History of American Lutheranism (Bible Hub)
- Peter Stuyvesant’s relentless quest for order in New Amsterdam pushes Africans out of the church | A Journey through NYC religions
- Henry Melchior Muhlenberg - Living Lutheran
- Fighting Words | Christian History Magazine
- Demagoguery or Democracy? The Saxon Emigration and American Culture (Rev. Dr. Larry Rast, Concordia Theological Quarterly)
- Saxon Lutheran immigration of 1838–39 - Wikipedia
- Die Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Synode von Missouri, Ohio und andern Staaten – The Lutheran Witness (Rev. Roy S. Askins)
- "History of Lutheranism" series with Rev. Dr. Larry Rast (The Coffee Hour on KFUO Radio)
- "100 Years of LCMS Music History" series with Benjamin Kolodziej (The Coffee Hour on KFUO Radio)
Connect with the Lutheran Ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group (facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge) and on Instagram @lutheranladieslounge. Follow Sarah (@hymnnerd), Rachel (@rachbomberger), and Erin (@erinaltered) on Instagram!
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