Jun 15 2023 44 mins 1
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Financial Disclaimer: Market Moves LLC is a company that provides education in financial and stock market literacy. WE ARE NOT FINANCIAL ADVISORS. In fact, it is illegal for us to provide any financial advice to you. Under U.S. law, the only persons who can give you financial advice are those who are licensed financial advisors through the SEC. We hold no such licenses, and therefore, if you ask for financial advice, we will simply direct you to speak with your professional financial advisor. Our mission is simply to provide you with some of the educational tools to help you navigate the stock market, thereby enabling you (with the help of your financial advisor) to make better decisions with your money. Results shown from Market Moves LLC or customers who use our product and/or service are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences. These are individual results and results do vary. Market Moves LLC does not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services. Past performance does not guarantee future results. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance