339: Personalising Feedback

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Mar 03 2024 29 mins   1

God has made us all different. We need to keep this mind when we do the whole thing of feedback: experience, personality, gender, cultural background and their role.

We need to be:

  • Thinking about the relationships around us and getting to know the people we need to give feedback to.

  • Caring personally and challenging radically leads to good feedback.

  • Making sure that people know their role so they know what they are supposed to be doing, but personalising it to "where are you?" and "where should you be?"

  • Keeping mind some people need to be challenged and some people need to be encouraged.

  • Keeping mind some people are sensitive and some people need be given more clear feedback.

  • Thinking about the importance and challenges of cross gender feedback.

  • Considering different cultures and how they give and receive feedback.

  • Reflecting on real delegation and roles.

  • Remembering that different people have different emotional responses to feedback.


⁠Radical Candor⁠ by Kim Scott

⁠6 Steps⁠ to Radical Candor

⁠One Page Summary⁠ of Radical Candor

⁠What women in ministry really want from their senior pastor⁠ by Clare Deeves

⁠The Culture Map⁠ by Ern Meyer

⁠Leadership and the Culture Map⁠

⁠Level 1 Coaching⁠ with Reach Australia.


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