Truck you, Trudeau

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Feb 02 2022 64 mins   1

Welcome to episode 1 where we take a deeper dive into current affairs, and will follow this weekly update structure along with some guest episodes as well.

On todays episode, I talk more about the inspiration behind the podcast and the title, and we dig into the current Canadian trucker phenomenon sweeping the Country, instilling hope in the hearts of Canadian's, but of course attracting its fair share of haters as well. 

We further explore the story of one of Newfoundland's former Premiers, Brian Peckford, and how he is currently suing the federal government for violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Another interesting fact? Brian Peckford is the last first minister alive today that actually worked on this foundational document, able to speak to the legalities of the written word, but also the spirit of such a document. And it is his honorable opinion that Justin Trudeau has violated these fundamental rights of Canadians. 

Regardless what you think about the current Covid situation and state of the political sphere, this is undeniably one of the biggest stories in Canadian history. And undeniably one of the biggest failures of Federal Government to properly address these issues.

Finally I end off with some Newfoundland Covid stats, to give others an understanding of the anomaly that is our tiny Island province.


Truck you, Trudeau!

Glorious & Free!