The Stringent State

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Feb 07 2022 60 mins   1

Welcome back to The Overton Anchor episode 2! I've got a spicy episode for you guys today.

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 Today we discuss the "stringency index," and how Canada fares in comparison to other countries as our pandemic response continues. It's interesting how one can feel optimistic yet look around themselves and also feel they're living in some upside-down, or dystopian medical state. In this episode I highlight some of the absurdities of Canada's pandemic response, as well as dive into some specifics in Newfoundland's data in order to highlight this. As well as holding our politicians and public health officials accountable for current statements, as well as statements in the past that can only be lies or political theatre at this point. 

We talk further about the freedom convoy movement and this breath of fresh air for a country that has been disproportionately affected by rules, mandates, and bureaucratic red tape with what seems to be zero responsibility, public transparency, or accountability.