Apr 16 2021 52 mins 10
Psychiatry is actually in every specialty, but what would a job as a PA in in psych be like?
Meet our friend Ariana, a Psychiatry PA (who recently moved on to Burn and Reconstructive Surgery)--she has some amazing tips for medical providers of any kind!
She has been active in her state chapter as well to help advance the PA profession both in the field of psychiatry as well as Optimal Team Practice!
Thank you Ariana!
Ariana's Instagram: https://instagram.com/sparkles_and_scalpels_
- 11:30 - How to connect on some level with patient
- 14:20 - Establishing trust
- 32:00 - What her typical day is like
- 39:00 - Future of PAs in Psych
- 41:00 - Optimal Team Practice and defining "interdependence"
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Intro/Outtro Music Dizzy by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXsY