45 Years Later - The Power of Imagination Podcast

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Jul 18 2024 11 mins   1

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Join The Destiny Project at http://DreamDrivenDay.com 45 years. That's how long. 45 years is how long I have been, uh, obsessed and possessed with the state of being a martial artist. It actually started the year before when I was 12. I tried to teach myself from magazines. We didn't have videos back then. I mean, you could see a Chuck Norris video once in a while on TV, but it's been 45 years since I got my first real instructor. That was Rick Pockstaller. Thanks, Rick. My name is Mr. 2020. You are listening to the Power of Imagination Podcast coming to you live from Melbourne, Australia, where we honor one thing, the real power, the real power of you. And that is the Power of Imagination, right? We don't talk about sticky tape. We don't talk about endless wordling. We talk about you because the more you explore you, the more you explore the truth that sets you free, the more free you are. So let's dive in 45 years. And I can promise you, 45 years, every single day, I have explored something dealing with the mechanics and the movements of the martial arts that I've been studying. Every single day. In other words, every single day, I've done something like throw a punch, a kick, explore stance, internal movement, stuff you might be able to see, stuff you probably can't. 45 years, that's a hell of an identity. And that includes the days I got taken captive with the riot and beat to death when I was 23. That includes time I spent in the hospital. That includes time where, back during the lockdowns, my hip got so bad I could barely walk. Where I measured standing up. Where I measured my day. My level of pain with how many swear words I uttered while trying to simply stand up out of my Eames chair. I kept standing. I kept sitting. I avoided movement as much as I could. You know, it's really cool. So I, so y'all know I recently sold Abdulla, my black BMW, because I upgraded to the silver bullet. There's a really good story. But Abdulla was a manual transmission. In other words, I'd use a clutch and shift gears. It was a five speed, a lovely car. And I learned how to drive without ever hitting second, because if I didn't hit second, I would eliminate, you know, seven shifts per drive to the pool or the dog park. Sometimes more, depending upon traffics. But I learned how to keep myself out of pain by avoiding movement. You get where this is going? A lot of you don't ever succeed because you're subconsciously, I hate that word, but I'll use it anyway, because you're trying to avoid pain. You're imagining there's going to be problems. If you actually do make it rich or do get fit or get in a lovely relationship, there's going to be problems. So you avoid the problems. Excuse me. So you avoid the problems. So you avoid the problems by never really feeling it real. You may be avoiding your sessions, you may be avoiding surrendering. You know, Neville Goddard says this is not an act of will, it is an act of surrender. And a lot of people, they continue to argue with me about that while not getting what they want. Or getting what they want and then having it be exhausting. Stop it. So for 45 years I've been obsessed with being a martial artist. In other words, for 45 years I've been possessed by being a martial artist. In other words, for 45 years I've been one. I dabbled from 12 to 13. Like I said, I tried to learn from books, magazines. There was a fella named John, he taught me a few little things. It was a green belt in something. Man, to me, a green belt was God. Meanwhile, what John taught me was his mistakes. Cause he didn't know no better. But I seem to digress. February 2, 2002, I got back online to teach the stuff I was passionate about. I'd been through, well, some hard times. I shut down my business, got a job, made some good money. And to set it, I wanted to make good money doing what I love.