Is Blame Blocking Your Blessing - The Power of Imagination Podcast

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Jul 25 2024 8 mins   1

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You know, it's not your fault. It's also not my fault either.

I fired a client recently. She wanted to find fault. So I fired her, by the way, You're going to love where this is going and you will never see it coming.

Ready? So I sold my old car to my mechanic, David Brown. I love this guy. He loves my old car and I had it for, I don't know, eight years, 10 years, something like that. I've had it for a while. And I found myself, I wanted something different.

To the point where I really didn't even, uh, I just wanted something different.

But let's back, get back to, I fired a client. She wanted to blame me, then she wanted to blame herself. And I said, this ain't working. Alright, you can't blame me.

See, David Brown told me, look, your car's got an oil leak. This is a while back. He goes, it's not bad, but every time you fill it up, check the oil. With what you drive, bring it in once a year for a service.

And that's what I did. Until I decided I didn't want it anymore. If I didn't listen to him Is it his fault if the car doesn't run anymore?

Every time I checked the, every time I filled it up, I checked the oil. And if it needed some, I added a little.

But meanwhile, I fired a client because she blamed me. And she blamed herself. And I told her, I said, look, one last parting word. Because if we get together again, it's going to be under a different mindset.

A different state, even. Because your state determines your mindset.And she goes, what's that? And I said, it's not your fault, it's not mine.

You've been beating yourself up for so long that you can't do it anymore. And you want to beat me up because you're not doing what I say. You're also not doing what you want. And that's no reason to beat yourself up.

This is an opportunity.Because if you find fault, you're imagining that I'm faulty, or you're faulty, or your application is faulty. And all you find are faults. And you can't live like that. It exhausts you.

On the other hand, if you can find opportunity. Because all around you is opportunity to imagine lovingly. All around you is opportunity. Inside of you is opportunity. People can, people will construct shithouses.

You know, place where you go take a poop. Little outside, they call them dunnies here. You know, the outside dunny. You know, the thunderbox, the outhouse, the porta potty.

You can construct those all day. I don't suggest that you live in them. If you find yourself needing to take a poop, take a poop.If you find yourself having to take a poop, wipe and shower off. You've got an opportunity in front of you around you.

Before Neville, my life was great. I found Neville Goddard and now my life sucks. Let me ask you a question. If your life was so great, why did you find Neville and start applying it? Right?

Odds are you found it, but you're applying something really weird like blame.We live in a world where people are trying to find who to blame, and they're trying to avoid blame.

And what happens in a world that runs according to that paradigm, nobody does nothing because they don't want to be blamed for what they did or didn't do.

So then people become wallflowers. I want you to be a mover and a shaker.You came here to dance a dance to sing a song. You came here to express and explore something only you can.

Neville Goddard says you came here for a divine purpose and that is to know imagination. To know imagination, you have to buy the pearl.

If you like swearing, caring, and sharing, Those calls will rock your world. Because at the end of the day, if I imagined it was hard work to check the oil, or if I imagined David was wrong, I didn't need to check the oil, or if I imagined that I was a shit car owner, so I didn't feel like checking the oil, so On the other hand, I imagined up a Mercedes.

I decided to try something different on...