Feb 05 2025 95 mins 1
This week, I get an opportunity to sit down and talk with someone who's own journey closely parallel's my own, coming from a musical background, being now, immersed in the training community. Cam Perry is the bass guitarist for the band Attack Attack, and has become an avid shooter, training and growing his own capability. Sharing a lot of common experiences in our background, we were able to talk about the similarities we've each been able to find in our individual practice and development musically, and making connections to our growth as shooters. Cam shared some stories on his life experience, that led to his decision to not only own firearms but to ultimately pursue the skillset and capabilities to protect himself, and those around him from the evil in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and I think those of you familiar with the band and its music, may really get a kick out of our conversation. I'm looking forward to connecting again in the near future, and hopefully, even being able to attend a training even with Cam.
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