Jun 11 2024 52 mins 1
Paula Gottlieb Herman, Private Chef and producer of Cooking with Stars, shares her personal journey and profound connection to food—a passion kindled by her parents and enriched by her rabbi, which she has transformed into a way of honoring family traditions. Chef Paula educates and inspires children and special needs adults and families to cook, make healthier food choices, foster a deeper appreciation for fresh, organic produce, and enjoy hands-on cooking experiences to nurture connections.
Chef Paula, a former NBC News Segment Producer, organized cooking segments for Martha Stewart on The Today Show. Her work has been featured on the Filmmakers Show and Food Network. She also volunteers with Kids Need More, helping children with pediatric cancer, and donates her culinary and media skills to various non-profits across Long Island.
Tune in to learn more about Chef Paula's heartwarming journey and the valuable lessons she imparts about food, family, and community.
Listen to this brand new episode of The Private Chef Podcast on:
Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/empowering-the-next-generation-chef-paula-on-cooking/id1648363134?i=1000658604574
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0XN0QUG0aa5ovbvKbG1V3R
Youtube - https://youtu.be/Lrk6DsivIjw
Connect with Paula Gottlieb on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/paula-gottlieb-herman-7970181b7/
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Time Stamps
00:05:09 - Career Path and Working with Children
00:08:07 - Engaging Children in Cooking
00:13:36 - Teaching Kids to Appreciate Real Food
00:16:07 - Transition to Virtual Cooking Classes
00:19:18 - Overcoming Cooking Challenges
00:21:26 - Working with Special Needs Adults
00:24:07 - Favorite Cuisines to Explore with Kids
00:27:29 - Importance of Family Involvement in Cooking
00:33:33 - Special Needs Cooking Programs
00:35:22 - Teaching Healthy Eating Habits
00:36:15 - Challenges of Organic vs. Non-Organic
00:38:17 - Engaging Kids with Gardening
00:45:30 - Where to Find Recipes
00:47:05 - Impact of becoming a chef
Sound Bites
"Food is our love language."
"Being a chef for me is mission-based."
"Engaging children in the activity... there's a connection to, and they're more likely to eat it."
"The more involved in the process, the more invested you get and the more likely you are to try and appreciate it."
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