Q&A: Jewish Entertainment, Polygamy & Making Plans

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Feb 02 2025 97 mins   48

Dedicated in honor of Rabbi Breitowitz & the Q&A by Dovi & Sara Nussbaum

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00:00 - Can someone eat sushi in a non-kosher restaurant?

03:00 - Why did Hashem create Adam and Chava as adults and not children?

05:00 - What does Hashem Tzva-kot mean?

07:50 - What is a Rasha?

19:30 - In the Mesillas Yesharim it says that one should separate himself from worldly matters,

however in the Torah there are commandments that depend agriculture and physical labour. Is this a contradiction?

27:53 - If someone is about to do a mitzvah and someone else does it before him, does the first

party still receive a reward for the mitzvah?

30:20 - Why should Tamar have been burned?

38:52 - If slavery in Egypt was an atonement for the sin of selling Yosef, why would the tribe of Levi not be enslaved yet Yosef would? Levi was involved in the sale and Yosef was the victim.

42:30 - How can women say 100 blessings a day if she only prays once-a-day?

53:50 - What does the remembrance of Miriam signify?

56:30 - If one is eating food outside on Shabbos with seeds and a seed happens to fall on the

ground what should he do?

58:00 - What is one allowed to request on Shabbos?

01:05:10 - When does one need to say Bli Neder?

01:07:00 - Can a frum person become a doctor in this day and age?

01:09:50 - The medrash says that if I do Hesed to someone who does not appreciate it, it is as if I served idols. Does this mean that I should not do Hesed?

01:11:30 - What does the Rav think about frum women making films and plays with all-female casts for entertainment?

01:16:40 - How far ahead does a Jew have to plan?

01:20:20 - Can one delete Hashem’s name from a computer screen?

01:21:40 - Why are we not allowed to marry multiple women?

01:28:10 - What is the difference between Hachnaah and Anavah?

01:31:00 - What is the protocol if a Gadol becomes senile?

Note: Please do not watch or listen to this content on Shabbos or Jewish Holidays.

🎙️🎥 Produced by: Cedar Media Studios https://www.cedarmediastudios.com/

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