Feb 16 2023 92 mins 3
In this second episode of the second season, Alex and Steven discuss Anthony Storr's insightful and humane work called Solitude. Topics discussed include: Has the world of therapy almost pathologized the need for solitude? What are the main benefits of solitude? Are there ways in which solitude could be detrimental? To what extent is a lack of solitude a contributing factor to mental health issues in the modern world?
Further Resources:
- A copy of Storr's book can be found at Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Solitude-Flamingo-Anthony-Storr/dp/0006543499/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=anthony+storr+solitude&qid=1676460525&sprefix=storr+sol%2Caps%2C1148&sr=8-1
- For those who wish to explore further Storr's thoughts on creativity, you can find his book The Dynamics of Creation here:https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NBJOLYS/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p2_i4
- For a nice overview of Storr’s eclectic and very productive professional and intellectual life, this obituary from the Guardian Newspaper (23.3.01) is helpful: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2001/mar/20/guardianobituaries.highereducation
- A more recent work on the need for solitude is Susan Cain's work Quiet: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking-ebook/dp/B0074YVW1G/ref=sr_1_1?Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.x=0&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.y=0&__mk_en_GB=%C3%85M%C3%85Z%C3%95%C3%91&qid=1676460682&refinements=p_27%3Asusan+cain&s=books&sr=1-1&unfiltered=1
- David Vincent provides a historical overview of how solitude has changed and evolved over the last few centuries: https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Solitude-David-Vincent/dp/1509536590/ref=sr_1_6?Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.x=0&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.y=0&__mk_en_GB=%C3%85M%C3%85Z%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=solitude&qid=1676461437&s=books&sr=1-6&unfiltered=1&asin=1509536590&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
- The philosopher Lars Svendsen examines the nature of loneliness, which might help in distinguishing loneliness from solitude: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Philosophy-Loneliness-Lars-Svendsen-ebook/dp/B073Q59SJ5/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=&asin=B073Q59SJ5&revisionId=ead2b4f6&format=1&depth=1
- If you enjoy classic comedy, here is what Hancock is up to when not donating blood: trying to enjoy some solitude by getting through his Bertrand Russell reading (audio only): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAs4ny7hP2k&ab_channel=TonyHancock-Topic