Other than the gathering clouds of yet another contentious election, the biggest news story of the day is the battle between Israel and the Hamas Terrorists. The media coverage of this story is telling. Israel is immediately connected with Judaism and Zionism, yet there seems to be a reluctance to draw the obvious connection of Hamas and Islam. There is an even greater reluctance to recognize that Islam is an inherent enemy to Western culture.
This podcast discusses several aspects of this broadening struggle. Listeners who wish to read the articles in their original format may use the following links - https://www.returntoorder.org/2023/12/why-are-people-ignoring-the-slow-motion-jihad-that-rages-inside-france/, https://www.tfp.org/new-book-by-catholic-scholar-islam-and-the-suicide-of-the-west-reveals-great-threat/, https://www.returntoorder.org/2023/10/the-west-at-war/ and https://www.tfp.org/pope-franciss-abrahamic-religions/.
Thank you for listening.
This podcast discusses several aspects of this broadening struggle. Listeners who wish to read the articles in their original format may use the following links - https://www.returntoorder.org/2023/12/why-are-people-ignoring-the-slow-motion-jihad-that-rages-inside-france/, https://www.tfp.org/new-book-by-catholic-scholar-islam-and-the-suicide-of-the-west-reveals-great-threat/, https://www.returntoorder.org/2023/10/the-west-at-war/ and https://www.tfp.org/pope-franciss-abrahamic-religions/.
Thank you for listening.