Jan 08 2024 70 mins 1
The longer a culture exists in a place, the more stories they have of that place. These stories act a way for people to interact with the land where they live and also act as social filters for how to perceive the land as well. Stories also engage people with the landscape through their imagination and when linked to a physical activity can make the connection more embodied and enjoyable. Humans learn through play, and playing with stories can be a great way to reconnect ourselves with the landscape and its inhabitants. To talk with me about this on the podcast, is a returning guest, Jason Godesky.
Jason Godesky is an independent tabletop roleplaying game designer and world builder. He and his wife Giulianna Lamanna are the creators of the Fifth World, an open source shared universe that imagines what the future that we in the rewilding community want could look like.
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell
If This Is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories? By J. Edward Chamberlin
Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache by Keith H. Basso